The Lying Game by Sara Shepard

The Lying Game (Lying Game, #1)

by Sara Shepard

From the author of the New York Times bestselling PRETTY LITTLE LIARS comes a killer new series, THE LYING GAME.

Sutton Mercer had a life anyone would kill for – and someone did. But thanks to a view from the afterlife and Emma Paxton, her long-lost twin sister, Sutton has a chance to solve her own murder. Emma slips into Sutton’s old life to piece together her disappearance. But can Emma keep up the charade long enough to discover what really happened to Sutton…or will she become the next victim?

Let the lying games begin.

Reviewed by rakesandrogues on

2 of 5 stars

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Emma and Sutton are from two different worlds. Separated at birth, Emma has endured a life of hardship moving from one foster family to the next after her birth mother had abandoned her. On the other hand, Sutton had been adopted by a wealthy loving family and has everything she ever wanted. But someone has murdered Sutton and Emma has been mistaken for her twin, forced to live her life as her sister's murderer threatens her to keep her silence. THE LYING GAME is an intriguing mystery about mistaken identity and murder.

I had a hard time caring that Sutton was dead because to be competely honest, she was such a bitch and I perfectly understand why someone would be willing to kill her. She's nasty to her family, nasty to her friends, and no one else at school seemed to like her. The only reason why I would want to find out who killed her is because I do like a mystery, but more importantly, I felt that Emma deserved to know what happened.

And don't get me started on the Lying Game. My God, how childish can these characters be? They're cruel and immature and yet somehow they seem to be popular. I hate these kinds of girls and reading about these ridiculous and over the top pranks were painful.

I'm annoyed that this is a series. I'm not happy with the fact that there would be more because I think that it could have been solved in one book. Does this mystery have to be stretched out into a series? Seriously? I felt completely unsatisfied at the end of the book. The mystery was not solved. Emma was left knowing just as much as she did in the beginning.

I thought I liked this book a lot more, but after finding the time to vent, the characters just ruined the book for me. I doubt I'll continue reading the series or Shepard's other works. THE LYING GAME is a great mystery that will keep you guessing, but the fact that it is the first in the series will leave you feeling unsatisfied. Fans of Shepard's PRETTY LITTLE LIARS will probably enjoy this, but it was just not for me.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 19 January, 2011: Reviewed