Being Creative: Be inspired. Unlock your originality by Michael Atavar

Being Creative: Be inspired. Unlock your originality (BUILD+BECOME)

by Michael Atavar

Creativity begins with you.

Through a series of 20 practical and effective exercises, all using a unique visual approach, Michael Atavar challenges you to open your mind, shift your perspective and ignite your creativity. Whatever your passion, craft or aims, this book will expertly guide you from bright idea, through the tricky stages of development, to making your concepts a reality.

We often treat creativity as if it was something separate from us - in fact it is, as this book demonstrates, incredibly simple: creativity is nothing other than the very core of 'you'.

At Build and Become we believe in building knowledge that helps you navigate your world. Our books help you make sense of the changing world around you by taking you from concept to real-life application through 20 accessible lessons designed to make you think. Create your library of knowledge. For further information on Build&Become, follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Being Creative in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Being Creative isn’t your typical artistic guide book. The intent of this book isn’t to help you draw or paint better, but rather to get you into the artistic mindset, regardless of your chosen art form. In that it is very unique, and is the reason why I really wanted to give it a try.
This book is set up in five different parts, first is the Beginning, which covers all of the issues with getting started on a creative journey, from the anxiety of starting to failure and success. Next is the Word Process, helping and explaining the concept of the internal camera, how to subvert habits, and so on. Third is Keeping Going; the hardest part about any project is to not drop it, and this chapter covers that; persistence, recording every day, etc. The fourth chapter is on Being Resourceful, which covers more advanced points on artist challenges and mindsets (most of which I had never actually heard of, before this book). And finally the last chapter is Challengers & Difficulty; how to finish a project, the diy parts, saying goodbye, etc.
This was an interesting and informative read, on the whole. I do think it was a bit dry and points, and would have appreciated a few more examples and explanations in a few points (particularly towards the end with the more advanced concepts). But on the whole I enjoyed it and am glad I took the time to read it. I haven’t tried applying any of these tips and tricks yet, but I certainly am looking forward to doing so. With any luck they’ll help me get out of my winter slump (which may be the real reason this one caught my attention, if I’m being honest). I hope it ends up helping somebody else as well!

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  • Started reading
  • 3 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2018: Reviewed