Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry

Rot & Ruin (Rot & Ruin, #1)

by Jonathan Maberry

In a post-apocalyptic world where fences and border patrols guard the few people left from the zombies that have overtaken civilization, fifteen-year-old Benny Imura is finally convinced that he must follow in his older brother's footsteps and become a bounty hunter.

Reviewed by Hillary on

5 of 5 stars


This book was AMAZING!! I can't believe that it took me this long to read it. I have been getting more and more into young adult lately. I admit at first I turned my nose up at this genre, but now I love it! It just goes to show that you shouldn't judge a genre until you have read a few books from it.

I am also getting more into the whole horror genre. That also is not something that I would pick up but with us finally into the dark and gloomy Cleveland winter I thought why not?

First of all, I have to say I loved the people in the story nd how the author chose to write them. They have fully fleshed out characters that had the full range of feelings and had me rooting for them.

I also loved how the author included the world building in this story. Sometimes the world building part of the book is a pain in the ass to get through. Not all authors have the skill to make it enjoyable, but I loved reading about Mountainside and how the people lived there.

I think I fell in love with Tom the most. The Tall quite dangerous bounty hunter that had compassion. Before I read this book and even while watch shows like the walking dead, I was like ZOMBIE DIE! But Tom Explanation about how they used to be humans made me think different. All of the living dead USED to be people and deserved respect and to be put at peace. Now until I die, I will be forever changed in how I view zombies.

Spoiler alert (show spoiler)

The author is so skilled that I could feel for the full range of emotions with Benny. You know how some chapters you struggle to connect with? Not so with Benny. I felt everything he did, and I was rooting for him to pull through. I know this is a series, so he HAD to live, but I imagine when I had read this when it first came out I would had been terrified.  I loved Benny but I wish Tom were real so I could date him lol. That is how much I enjoyed Tom character.

Needless to say, I already have Dust and Decay on my Kindle, and I see that Scribed has the full series also. Although with its stupid three book limit I guess I will just stay with the library ebooks on this one. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in Dust and Decay.

 This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land

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