Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Deny all you like, but mating wins out in the end…

I can’t decide if knowing what my hubby is thinking would be a good thing or a bad thing. Yes – When he sees me in a nice outfit and his eyes light up. NO – When I’ve spent too much on a shopping trip or my one-click addiction. Maybe – When I got that cool orange top…either it makes my skin glow…or I look like an oompa loompa. I think I’ll leave the mind sharing talent with the immortals and hope that hubby will let me down gently if it’s oompa loompa.

Denying Ecstasy was another great installment to this series. I generally start each story grumbling, mumbling and disliking the heroes for their stubborn and sometimes idiotic ideas. I feel sympathy for the heroines, but also want to tell them to not put up with crap. Then there is a few AHHA moments when I see what the main characters have lived through. The desire between destines mates jumps off the pages and I get dragged into the mating frenzy with them. The conclusion leaves me on a high and I want to get to the next installment as soon as possible. I’m glad I came to the party late and a few of the books have already been released.

In Denying Ecstasy we’ve met both Dorian and Rain in previous installments. Dorian is a cranky arse. He uses women for pleasure and release to keep himself at optimal performance. Setta Jay is good. Where else would you find a storyline that the main characters energy is dependent on sexual release? He only has sex with humans now after a very bad experience with immortal women. This experience changed his life and left him with feelings of inadequacy and shame. This means that when his mate drops into his life…he runs screaming.

Rain has had her whole life uprooted. First from her best friend getting mated to a Guardian and that friendship put her in the firing line from their enemies. She has to leave her home, family and business to stay safe in the compound where the Guardians live. Once moved into the compound she is drawn to Dorian, but is ignored or glared at by him. Rain isn’t the sort of woman to go where she’s not wanted, so avoids him as much as he avoids her. Things change when the frenzy hits and it is not plain sailing or straight to – “sit on my face and tell me that you love me” (Monty Python - feelings. This mating takes time and a lot of work to get to their happy place.

As I said above, some things in this series makes me want to be a destined mate and have a partner who’s possessive, controlling and manipulates me (in a good way) to do what they want. Other times I would definitely steer clear of an immortal who’s possessive, controlling and manipulates me (good way or not) to do what they want. Lots of sexy times with great characters who draw you into their world and make you feel like you know them.

I’m addicted to this series and I can’t help myself…I NEED TO GO ON :-)

I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2015: Reviewed