All Kinds of Kisses by Nancy Tafuri

All Kinds of Kisses

by Nancy Tafuri

There are all kinds of kisses...
Cheep kisses. Moo kisses. Maaa kisses. Coo kisses...
But the best kiss of all...

Is Mommy's kiss goodnight. Sweet dreams, little one!

Mommies and babies aren't the only ones who enjoy sharing kisses. All throughout the farm, animal families snuggle up with their little ones, offering them warmth and love. Following a mama bird on her journey back to the nest to give her own baby some special cuddles, Nancy Tafuri uses beautiful, inviting illustration to share how different creatures, from peeping ducks to mooing cows, show their love and affection in very similar ways. A heartfelt homage to all of the wonderful kinds of kisses.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

[b:All Kinds of Kisses|11051243|All Kinds of Kisses|Nancy Tafuri||15972298] has got to be my new favorite bedtime book. Can they put it in board book format too?! Going through the farm yard each animal mama gives her baby a kiss. Educational with animal names and the sounds they make each page is a wonder. Beyond the animal pair in question in each picture there is another something to spark discussion and push the imagination further. The book ends with the best of all kinds of kisses from a human mama to her going-to-bed child. I love it! The words, the sounds, the illustrations. Every bit is grand to me.

*Thanks to LB Kids for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 10 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2012: Reviewed