Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

5 of 5 stars


Do you trust me?

Well…do you trust me? I’m sure you’re all saying…sure Sassy, in a very superficial (here she goes again with her dribble about who knows what) way. Do you think we hear “Do you trust me?” – or- “Don’t you trust me?” too much? Are we handing over our trust without thought? Do we know a pilot before we board a plane and whether that man or woman deserves our trust? Or the driver in the car behind who may or may not have had enough sleep? I think we’ve stopped trusting in some respects and moved it to hope. We hope that the pilot/driver is deserving of the trust we put in them.

I think trust must be earned. Trust should come after a person has seen you at your best and been proud to know you. Seen you at your nastiest and trusted that you’ll eventually get over yourself. Seen you nervous and held your hand. The person who wipes your tears and gives you a hug even if the tears are only there because the navy blue handbag you’d been eyeing for months has sold out and is discontinued. The person I trust the most earned it because he can keep a straight face while I tell him about cockroaches with spray tans, love at first sight, "vegetarian" vampires, motorcycle men with soft spots and even Scottish highland lairds who find a wee lassie to wrap in his kilt. That's not the only reason why I trust my hubby, he's earned it in hundreds of ways on hundreds of days. Luckily my hubby loves me even if I am a book nerd…or maybe it’s because.

Ok, I did it again…I went off on a tangent that has practically nothing to do with the storyline…but it kind of does. How do you trust your heart to someone you think is too good for you or way out of your league? In Anything but Minor both the hero and the heroine have to learn to trust the feelings that have developed between them. When you’re looking at a woman who sets your heart alight, makes every day your best and thinks you are the best thing since sliced bread…how do you live up to that? When you’re looking at a man who has the opportunity of a lifetime away from you…how do you trust that he’s thinking about you as much as you’re thinking about him? Anything but Minor gets right to the heart of trusting someone and knowing whether you’ve put that trust in the right person.

You won’t believe this (after all that heavy stuff I just spouted) but this book is by far one of the funniest books I’ve read this year. More than once I had tears pouring out of my eyes I was laughing so hard. The main chick in this book, Alice is an absolute crack up. She is on a mission to make every day the best day of her life. After growing up in a house with a bitter, self-righteous single mother, Alice has had enough and decides to take a job in a different town to spread her wings. She wants to experience all the things she’s been too scared to try in fear that God will strike her down for wicked thoughts. Alice has been lonely up till now and with this new move she wants to meet new people and have new adventures. When looking for her next adventure she ends up at a ball park watching her first game of baseball. The pitcher is awesome and she can’t believe it when she meets him at a bar afterwards…and completely humiliates herself.

Rafe can’t believe this woman. She’s an absolute cutie and he wants her in a bad way. The things she does and says crack him up and make him feel things but he’s just about to get signed up for the majors and can’t afford to split his attentions. He tries to talk her into having a short term relationship aka a “quickie” but she wants no bar of him. Well, doesn’t she look a lot more appealing all of a sudden? He realises pretty quickly that he doesn’t want the short term relationship anymore, he wants every day to be their best day together.

Kate Stewart has again given us a brilliant story. Anything but Minor is funny, sweet, steamy and heartwarming. This was another story where my boys had to know why I'm laughing so hard? My oldest who is 13 does the whole, rolling his eyes...knowing it's a love story so it can't be THAT funny. My nearly 10-year-old doesn't have the eye rolls but he does have the thong ready to wack cockroaches that have snuck in and are really funny. Of course, hubby knew there was no way I'd be laughing if there was a cockroach in my bedroom. It’s not all fun and it’s not all serious, it’s a wonderful blend of both that left a smile on my face and my heart fluttering. This story is a winner…cockroaches with fake tans and all.

To buy Anything but Minor from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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