Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

The summary caught my interest with this story. The hint of mystery in both Lyndsey and Nick's lives was just enough to get me to read it. Plus, having a lead character named Lyndsey didn't hurt. lol.

The story begins with Lyndsey and Nick meeting at the Hilo Bar & Grill where Lyndsey works in Hilo, Hawaii. I was instantly transported to the tropical city and took a seat on the deck to watch the story unfold before me. Laurence created such a state that I could imagine the wind in my hair and the smell of the ocean air.

I was in the perfect frame of mind as the story continued. Laurence kept me guessing as to what the mystery of Lyndsey's past entailed. Nick wasn't shy about his story, but you get an idea that he suffered a trauma while serving in Afghanistan pretty early on in the novel. Both are not sure a relationship is a good idea at the point they each are in their lives, but Nick can't stop himself from wanting Lyndsey. Lyndsey feels the same, but has better restraint. Her rejection doesn't detour Nick and he eventually wears her down. The development of their relationship was not all hearts and flowers. Laurence gave a very realistic picture of two people that suffered greatly at the hands of others and how they came to heal together and separately.

Laurence not only strongly developed her main characters, but gave a solid picture of the secondary characters as well. I loved Lessa & Raoul, Lyndsey's surrogate parents and owners of the grill. They were nosey, pushy, and loved Lyndsey unconditionally. Nick's best friend, Gabe, was a riot. His carefree attitude and devotion to his friend made me love the story even more. The best was Lyndsey's dog, Jack. He was the only remnant of her former life left and he really ended up helping her connect with the other characters in the story.

This is the first book in the Hiding From Love series. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series as it is released. "Camouflaged" is a novella due out in October that will give us a glimpse of Gabe's life in Afghanistan. Two other full-length novels are planned for the series. "Concealed" due out in November and "Buried" due out in February 2014.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 July, 2013: Reviewed