Reviewed by Angie on

5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

I was in love with Earls Just Want to Have Fun from the first chapter, all the way through to the final page. It is amazingtastic! It is truly unlike any other Historical Romance I've read, and I was never bored or annoyed once! Marlowe is part of a notorious gang in London, but during one job a man calls her Elizabeth. Marlowe has memories being called that as a child, or maybe it was just a coping mechanism for when she was scared. But then she's abducted and taken to the house of the Earl of Dane. His brother is a Bow Street Runner, and is convinced that Marlowe is really the missing Lady Elizabeth who was abducted as a child. Marlowe isn't sure of who she really is, but she knows she's not a lady and doesn't belong in this world. That is, until Dane shows her what it's like to be safe, secure, and loved.

The characters of Earls Just Want to Have Fun are simply incredible! Marlowe is rough around the edges. She's always dressed as a boy, because that's safer for her and more comfortable when she's thieving. She's uneducated, crass, and a bit wild. She's also not fond of bathing, but has a huge appetite. She's not happy to have been plucked off the street and then held hostage in a mansion, but Dane makes her feel things she's never felt before. And his sister shows her the kindness she's never known and makes her dare to hope for more. I loved watching her cause chaos in the earl's life. She has no manners and is headstrong, so the two bump heads more than once. But Dane is bored of the proper society ladies, and finds Marlowe's roughness endearing.

Earls Just Want to Have Fun is also full of sexy times and danger! Part of Marlowe's hesitance at staying with Dane is because she knows her boss, Satin, will be after her. She knows he'd rather see her dead than let her free, since she's his best "employee." Of course, he has to find her at some point, so I was always a little nervous for her. But she had Dane to keep her safe! He's no ordinary earl, as he knows how to fight and has bettered Marlowe several times when she tried to escape. And the tension! My goodness, the tension! Sparks fly when those two finally act on their feelings! I loved it!

The end of Earls Just Want to Have Fun also made me cry. It's a very happy ending, and I was so glad that Marlowe finally got the family and love she didn't have growing up. It's just so heartfelt and I couldn't contain my emotions!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 14 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2014: Reviewed