Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars


It took this book to confirm it, but Incy Black has made it on my auto buy list.  After reading Hard to Hold in April, I was eager to read the next installment in this series.  I have to say that I enjoyed this one even more than the first.

Ms. Black has a very unique voice/writing style that keeps me on the edge of my seat.  She is very good at making you feel like you are right there in it, when the shit hits the fan.  This series reminds me a lot of the new James Bond series.  Daniel Craig as Bond is much edgier than the Bond of old, which totally works for me.

Jack is such a hard ass.  I thought that Nick was a hard ass in the first book, I was mistaken,  Jack Ballentyne is the epitome of hard ass.  He is the director of the Assassins, an elite group that Lowry was a member of at one time.  Jack trained Lowry until the shit hit the fan and Lowry went off the radar.

There are aspects of this book that are uncomfortable, I'm just going to put that out there. Ms. Black handled those issues deftly.  I loved the adventure that Ms. Black sent Jack and Lowry on and I had a very hard time putting this book down. I read as fast as I could!

I'll admit that I would've like to have seen more sexy times between Jack and Lowry, BUT, the situation didn't really allow for a whole lot of snogging and the like.  (Yes, I totally said snogging.) Jack and Lawry have a bit of history and whole lot of denial of their feelings for each other, that dates back YEARS.  The UST?  Thick as honey in January, my friends.  Jack is Mr. Ice Cold and when he finally realizes the depth of his feelings for Lowry?  Well, it's a lovely thing.
Christ, he'd waited an eternity to hold her like this.  A few precious moments.  Of barriers down.  Of exquisite intimacy.  Of being the man he wished he could be.  Sensitive.  Tender. Gentle.  Because that's what this was going to take.  It was going to take everything from him.

My fingers are crossed that we will get Will's book soon.  Will was introduced in the first book and makes an appearance in this book also and I cannot wait to see what kind of trouble he gets into in his own book.



Hard to Forget : Amazon // Kobo // B&N


This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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