Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review."Tin God" marks the conclusion of the Elemental Covenant series. As a newcomer to the series, I've grown fond of Brigid and Carwyn, and it was bittersweet to witness the series' conclusion. Nevertheless, this is not the final farewell for these characters, as the author has assured their return in subsequent works within the Elemental World. "Tin God" presents a complex and powerful tale encompassing vengeance, the pursuit of power, redemption, and survival.

I'm acquainted with Brigid and Carwyn, but Ben and Tenzin are new characters to me. I enjoyed getting to know them both and look forward to read more about them. They belong to the Elemental Legacy series, which I haven't read yet. However, I intend to do so, as I'm not prepared to depart from the incredible universe that Hunter has crafted. Brigid and Tenzin shared a common goal, prompting them to venture to Alaska alone, intending to protect their partners from the dangers of their shared mission. However, Carwyn and Ben were adamant about not allowing their partners to face this challenge alone. They decided to follow them, providing support in every possible way.

"Tin God" is not a tale for the faint-hearted. The story is dark, yet thrillingly so. The combination of mystery and supernatural elements is compelling. The swift pace of the plot, enriched with drama, action, mystery, and intrigue, held my attention from start to finish. The author certainly has a knack for crafting a story that captivates the reader.

If you've never visited Alaska, reading Tin God will leave you feeling as though you've spent a holiday there. Personally, I felt immersed in the world of the Elementals in the midst of the danger, intrigue and action.

This thrilling finale will captivate readers who enjoy fantasy and paranormal stories with a darker edge. Combined with intricate characters and rich world-building, Tin God promises to hold readers' attention from beginning to end.This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • Started reading
  • 18 July, 2024: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2024: Reviewed