Web of Lies by Jennifer Estep

Web of Lies (Elemental Assassin, #2)

by Jennifer Estep

Following up the first book in her new "Elemental Assassin" series, Jennifer Estep's Web of Lies once again brings readers into sexy assassin Gin Blanco's world, which is populated with giants, goth dwarves, elementals, and some kick-butt BBQ.

Curiosity is definitely going to get me dead one of these days. Probably real soon.

I’m Gin Blanco. You might know me as the Spider, the most feared assassin in the South. I’m retired now, but trouble still has a way of finding me. Like the other day when two punks tried to rob my popular barbecue joint,...Read more

Reviewed by littleread1 on

Eh. Better than the first one, but still not sold on the series. Will come back to it. Might try to read it in stead of listening. It is VERY repetitive - I know your 5 point arsenal, and where you keep your knives. I KNOW you have scars on your palms and how you go them ...

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 8 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2013: Reviewed