Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

Wow, just wow! I wasn't sure how this series was going to go on, especially after the unexpected big moments of Chasing Nikki. Chase has been through more in a few short years than many go through in a lifetime. It seemed that, just as soon as his life really came together, it was all taken away. I read this at a time in my own life when I kind of feel the same way, so this was particularly poignant for me.

Chase has been fighting the reality that he has to move forward with his life. And it is unbearably hard for him to do that. His struggles to reconcile his feelings of love and of guilt with moving on is absolutely heart wrenching at times. And, if that isn't enough, he is being essentially bullied by a couple of his fellow football players, almost damaging his future in the process.

The emotions of this book were so very real and they touched my heart. There is a brutal honesty about some tough topics and it pulls at the heart. There were times when he made some bad choices and you just wanted to shake him, but you couldn't help but feeling for him even then.

Things to love about Finding Chase...

--The unabashed emotions of Chase. I love that he doesn't try to pretend that he doesn't feel.
--A whole bunch of other things that I can't talk about for fear of the ever dreaded spoilers!!

My recommendation: Don't read this unless you have already read Chasing Nikki. It's meaning would be lost. But if you have, READ THIS!!!

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  • Started reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Reviewed