Stunning by Sara Shepard

Stunning (Pretty Little Liars, #11)

by Sara Shepard

In Rosewood, Pennsylvania, four stunningly beautiful girls are haunted by a very ugly past. Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily want nothing more than to forget Alison DiLaurentis, their former best friend who tried to ruin their lives. But someone refuses to let her memory die. A is still out there, lurking in the shadows and digging up the pretty little liars' newest secrets.

Emily's reconnecting with an old flame, one baby step at a time. But is she headed toward true love or another bundle of heartache? Spencer's learning about the highs and lows of campus life on a trip to Princeton. Aria's seeing a whole new side to Noel's dad - and it could drive a wedge between her and Noel. And, for better or worse, Hanna's getting in touch with her inner A.

Secret by secret, lie by lie, the girls get tangled in A's dangerous web. A knows about everything, from their tiniest transgressions to the awful incident in Jamaica. Soon A will have enough ammunition to pull the trigger and end the pretty little liars, once and for all. . . .

Reviewed by clementine on

2 of 5 stars

There's really not much to say about this book that I haven't already said or thought about all the other Pretty Little Liars books at some point. They are the ULTIMATE guilty pleasures. I blast through them so quickly and roll my eyes the entire way through.

This one had a little more depth to it. I thought Emily's story was surprisingly... not lame, I guess. It's not really that believable, but it was something a bit new, and I felt like I could understand her emotions on more than just a superficial level. I hope to see more of the Bakers and Violet in the final book.

The plot was more exciting than the last one, but it was still pretty dumb and predictable. The girls always have some dumb idea about who A is that turns out to be false, so it was really obvious Gayle wasn't A. The whole thing is getting really ridiculous and hard to believe, but there's only one book left so I'll see this series to the end.

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  • 7 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2012: Reviewed