Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This book was so much FUN! I have never read anything by Ellen Ekstrom, but after reading this, I absolutely MUST read more. It begins with Violet, a hard working mom, stuck in a mundane routine of everyday life with a husband who isn’t really around much. She is bored and feeling a need for something different in her life. And what happens next is a whirlwind of excitement, right out of a historical fantasy! (I will not divulge any details, as it would completely ruin your reading experience. And trust me, it’s well worth the read!) Violet and the entire cast of characters in this story are just fun. Their personalities exude excitement and keep you engaged throughout. The author’s ability to incorporate history into the plot is intriguing, leaving you wishing that you yourself could experience a fantasy similar to that of Violet. It was impossible to put this book down, as I read it from beginning to end in one sitting. Full of romance, humor, and A LOT of fun, this brilliantly created world is one of a kind. Ms. Ekstrom, you have found yourself another huge fan!

Reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books

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  • 28 January, 2013: Reviewed