The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

The Star-Touched Queen (Star-Touched, #1)

by Roshani Chokshi

Treated with scorn and fear in her father's kingdom because of a formidable horoscope, 16-year-old Maya commits herself to her education only to land in an arranged marriage that culminates in her sudden elevation to the throne, a situation that is threatened by dark secrets and Otherworldly magic.

Reviewed by Chelsea on

2 of 5 stars

What I Loved

I hate it when books with great concept end up being disappointing. Thought the writing was gorgeous, the actual plot and characterization was poorly executed. Pretty writing isn't enough to make up for a bad story sadly or else this would have gotten a higher rating. Honestly I gave this book an extra star just for the writing alone which was probably bad of me. Oh well!

I did appreciate all the diversity in this book as well but once again, it couldn't make up for the bad plot.

Side note: there was a super cool talking horse that I loved! Probably because it was the only interesting character but it really was a hilarious talking horse.

What I Didn't Like

The concept of this novel was a great idea! I loved that I could read an interpretation on the Hades/Persephone story and I was excited to start this one! Sadly it quickly fell flat when the plot went nowhere and the characters were all flat and boring.

Let's start with the plot shall we? There was no flow to the story. At one point all the pretty writing because too much because I actually had no clue what was happening. It was too pretty and magical and nothing made sense anymore. Random things would happen without any explanation and it just left me lost and confused. I was especially disappointed near the end when I thought that just maybe something would be explained to us and then it wasn't. It was the worst kind of disappointment,

I also felt like we didn't learn anything about our main character. She was just kind of there with no personality. We don't know what she likes or doesn't like or how she feels about anything because nothing about her character is revealed. Actually nothing about any of the characters are revealed and interesting characters are my number one thing to make me fall in love with a story. Just disappointing all around.

Who I'd Recommend To

This was easily my biggest disappointment of the year. There's a small possibility that I will finish the series because I hate leaving them unfinished but I don't think I'd actually recommend this book to anyone. It's pretty on the outside but ugly on the inside.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2016: Reviewed