Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Bride of the Dragons would be a perfect book for the beach/pool. The storyline is not complicated and it is pretty easy to pick up if you had to put it down. So no confusing plotlines to remember. Just a straightforward story with a bit of romance, a lot of sex, some intrigue and action thrown in.

I felt bad for Adelina during the course of the book. She goes from being desperate and willing to do anything to avoid going to a nunnery to being an outcast within Elokon and Siron’s Blue Dragonflight. She had to deal with Fera and Fera’s attempts to drive her out. I think that I actually said “grow a backbone” and “Stand up for yourself” to myself in a fit of book rage. I couldn’t believe how she let this woman walk all over her. I seriously wanted to go into the book and shake her (well Fera and Adelina….but mainly Adelina). But, things do change, for the better, and I was very happy with the end of the book.

I really liked how the author described the ménage between Elokon, Siron and Adelina and ultimately, the love story. See, the dragons mate for life with their soul mates. They know who their soul mates are as soon as they look at them and usually, the feeling is mutual. What was interesting in this case was that Elokon and Siron have to share a mate. They are the Alpha and Omega of their Dragonflight…which means that they balance each other out and they cannot have separate mates from each other. So, when Elokon felt that spark with Adelina, so didn’t Siron and fortunately, Adelina felt it too.

There was a lot of controversy around having Adelina marry them (well technically she married Elokon). Like I said above, dragons marry for love and for life….while humans marry to promote the best bloodlines and humans required dowries to marry. Which is true in the olden days, for the aristocracy required it and the marriages were marriages of convenience….marriages without love. Elokon didn’t understand how humans could do that. He also couldn’t understand the dowry (to be honest, neither do I….lol).

The sex scenes between Adelina, Elokon and Siron were pretty hot. Normally, threesome are not my cup of tea but this one was actually pretty good.

The sub storyline of the Naga was very interesting too and I liked the twist that the author threw in regarding them. Looking back, it actually made sense (read the book to find out what I mean).

How many stars will I give Bride of the Dragon: 4

Why: Great plot, great characters and great sex.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and violence

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • 18 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 March, 2017: Reviewed