Secrets of the Monarch by Allison DuBois

Secrets of the Monarch

by Allison DuBois

Allison DuBois, medium and inspiration for the Emmy award-winning BBC series MEDIUM, tells us that if you want to understand life, you must understand death. In SECRETS OF THE MONARCH, she shows readers how communicating with the dead has taught her important lessons about life and how we can apply those principles to our lives. The monarch butterfly takes several generations to complete its migration patterns and ensure the survival of future butterflies, just like we must live good lives to ensure the future happiness of our children and their children. Although we are all products of our predecessors, Allison stresses that every person's life is part of a bigger story, stretching back past family and friends to society as a whole. By making the most of your life now, Allison says, you can positively affect that story. It is your legacy to pass the fire in your eyes and heart to your children, your siblings' children, your friends' children.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

I really liked this third book from Allison Dubois.(I have read the first book she wrote and really liked it!) I am amazed by all of the good things she has done in her life. This was such an uplifting book to read. I have always felt after we die our spirits live on. I especially felt this way after my infant son passed away, several years ago. Allison comfirms this is so many ways from her experiences.

If you want to read something that will touch your soul and help you learn how to live a better life, this is the book for you. This is a very pleasant read.

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  • 27 July, 2008: Finished reading
  • 27 July, 2008: Reviewed