I Would Die 4 U by Toure

I Would Die 4 U

by Toure

Drawing on new research and enlivened by author Touré's unique pop-cultural fluency, I would die 4 u relies on interviews with Prince's band members, former girlfriends, musicologists, and even Bible scholars to deconstruct the artist's life and work.--Publisher's description.

Reviewed by lisacee on

4 of 5 stars

Really more of a three-paragraph thesis style paper than a biography - but still the best Prince book I've read. Toure supports his thesis with quotes from friends/family/acquaintances and with lyrical analysis. While it's not beautifully written, the subject and how it was presented were interesting enough to keep me interested.

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  • 29 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 29 May, 2013: Reviewed