Lettering with Purpose by Brittany Luiz

Lettering with Purpose

by Brittany Luiz

Develop your own personal artistic alphabet with Lettering with Purpose and give your writing a new shine. Personalize every aspect of your handwriting and make it your own!

Lettering with Purpose is a thoughtful book that will show you how to develop your own artistic alphabet. Whether you’re hoping to personalize greeting cards or just enjoy the art, hand-lettering is an uplifting and compelling craft that anyone can learn. Deepen your understanding of this art form by delving into 100 reflective lettering prompts that spur the imagination. You'll never again ask, "What should I write?"

Your journey begins with lettering basics. Lettering with Purpose explains the...Read more

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


Great cover on this one. Perfect representation of the subject matter found within. It makes great use of color and typography and has good composition.

This book is gorgeously laid out. It makes fantastic use of color, graphics, and typography. Which makes it visually pleasing and a breeze to use. It starts off with an introduction (Letter Basics, Suggested Tools & Materials, Pairing Styles, Creating Beautiful Compositions, Lettering Styles & Techniques, Digitizing Your Lettering, Complete Alphabet Ideas). Following that are three more chapters (Ligatures, Embellishments & Flourishes, Start-to-Finish Art Prints, Inspiration for the Journey). All three of the above chapters are then broken down into subcategories that are full of tips, tricks, ideas, and even blank spaces so you can practice your lettering techniques.

I LOVED this book. I am a bonified lettering addict. There is nothing I love more in design than beautiful and unique lettering, typography, etc. It can make or break a design in my opinion. This book was simply fun. It was chocked full of great information and inspiration, as well as fun projects. It was colorful with easy to follow instructions. It had beautiful graphics and made great use of fonts, and images. Not much left for me to say. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2017: Reviewed