Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

It bothers me when the girl or the guy is in a relationship but lusting after someone else. So I didn't love the start of this. In fact I liked the idea of this more than the execution. Just felt flat. I didn't really like either character. Some of it was kind of ridiculous. Multiple shifter animals? Dragons? Pick your worldbuilding and stick with it but this just seemed a mess of ideas. Erotica with thin plot. It all happened way too fast, with no character development, a very thin veneer of a plot and lots of sex. 2.5 stars. I didn't love it but I'm sure other people will.

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  • 1 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2016: Reviewed
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  • 1 November, 2016: Reviewed