Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I usually avoid books that are labeled as sci-fi and dystopian, but I found myself drawn to Jake’s Redemption. When I first picked it up, I did not realize it was the prequel to a series where book one is slated to be released in 2020. It is a long book for a prequel, not that I am complaining. I have never encountered prequels that were 425 pages long.

Jake’s Redemption introduced me to a world where women were ruthless slave owners and men were at their mercy. However, as we find in situations like these, there were women who did not agree with the abuse and atrocities the men faced on a daily basis. Jake, the hero of this complex and intricately woven tale, will learn the difference between the two.

Jake found himself captured and sold at the end of the war, which saw the male population depleting. Unfortunately, for Jake, the woman who bought him was sadistic witch, who took pleasure in breaking and humiliating him. Temporary relief came when Monica Avery needed someone with Jake’s skills to oversee the construction of a building on her ranch.

Monica is not the typical slave owner. She treated everyone who worked for her with kindness and respect. Jake intrigued her and the more she got to know him, she realized that beneath the physical and emotional scars was a man who had a huge heart.

The treatment Jake received before arriving at Monica’s ranch made my blood run cold. No one deserves such cruel treatment. Jakes fears ran so deep; he had a hard time believing Monica differed from, Darla, his sadistic owner. Eventually, he would learn that Monica was everything Darla was not. Eventually he developed feelings for her. Jake’s stay his temporary, so they know there is no hope for a future. All throughout the story I kept wondering what will happen to Jake. Will he have to go back to his tormentor, will he escape, or will Monica be able to save him?

The story moved slowly as it focused on the developing relationship between Jake and Monica. Jakes struggles with the memories of the horrors he had faced and Monica’s attempts to get him to trust her was the highlight of the story. There was a point in the story where my nerves were rattled, as I feared for Jake.

I found the main characters likeable and relatable. I empathized with Jake on every level. Despite, the many attempts to break him, his inner strength remained intact. Monica’s patience proved an asset in their relationship. She understood his fears and never tried to push him beyond what he could bear.

The secondary characters helped to stir things up in the story. I am especially interested in learning more about Angel who will be the main character in the next book in the series.

I enjoyed the story, the world building and the romance. The story delved into areas that paved the way for the next book in the series. As s result questions arose, which I figured would be answered in the sequel.

To conclude, Jake’s Redemption is a story that has the potential to wreak havoc on your emotions. It touches on topics that may be triggers to some readers. It is a story of sacrifices, love and healing and one I recommend with no reservations.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 September, 2019: Finished reading
  • 28 September, 2019: Reviewed