Dead To Me by

Dead To Me (A Simon Canderous Novel, #1)

A new urban fantasy featuring a man working on the right side of law-with talents that come from left field.

Psychometry-the power to touch an object and divine information about its history-has meant a life of petty crime for Simon Canderous, but now he's gone over to the good side. At New York's underfunded and (mostly) secret Department of Extraordinary Affairs, he's learning about red tape, office politics, and the basics of paranormal investigation. But it's not the paperwork that has him breathless.

After Simon spills his coffee on (okay, through) the ghost of a beautiful woman- who doesn't know she's dead-he and his mentor plan to find her killers. But Simon's not prepared for the nefarious plot that unfolds before him, involving politically correct cultists, a large wooden fish, a homicidal bookcase, and the forces of Darkness, which kind of have a crush on him.

Reviewed by ayla_abbott on

1 of 5 stars

The main character never seemed like the most interesting one and his age was all over the map. Was he supposed to be 18? But then he was in a bar, so over 21? Then super immature. His reactions make sense for a teenager but not for an adult. They kept calling him kid too, which would have been amusing if they were saying it with irony, but when he really did react like a kid it just wasn't working.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2016: Reviewed