Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Relic continues the adventures of Dean and his two best friend as they attempt to save the lives of those about to die. It seems as if they've gotten the hang of Dean's visions so far, but figuring out how the target is going to die still isn't clear. Of course, they figure it out in the opening scene, before moving on to a bigger and more complicated problem. Their local museum is surrounded by protesters and a group of monks. It turns out that their Buddha relic has been stolen to be put on display and they want it back. After getting into an accidental scuffle with the youngest of the monks, Dean has a few visions of museum guards, the monk, and a mystery robber dying. Does Dean get involved to save those lives, or does he let the relic be stolen back and returned to its rightful owners?

I liked how in Relic Dean's sense of right and wrong was tested. He knows the museum is wrong to exploit the monks for more visitation, and wants them to have their relic back. But if one of the mystery robbers is a monk, does he just let his vision come to pass so they can have it back even if two people die? Is it better to save lives or do the right thing? It's fairly obvious what Dean and his friend decide to do, but I liked that they thought about it first. The world isn't always black and white, even when it comes to crime. The ending was pretty predictable and cheesy, but I enjoyed it. It fit the rest of the story well.

We also learn a bit more about Dean's "gift." He keeps seeing a man in white around town, and finally is approached by him. He's from the Society and gives Dean some very useful information. It does help him understand how to use his gift better, but it also makes him a bit paranoid. I thought it was all explained really well, and was glad that the visions don't make Dean all-knowing or anything. His gift isn't as big as he expected, but it also will make his life more complicated in day to day interactions.

In the end, I really enjoyed Relic. It was just as quick and fun as the first book, but with some more depth. I love how strong Dean's friendship with Lisa and Colin is. They're extremely supportive even though their missions can be dangerous or just get them in a love of trouble. Lisa especially displayed a lot of vulnerability this time, and I'm looking forward to more from this trio.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 19 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 19 July, 2014: Reviewed