Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

First, let me be clear: While I won't be posting any spoilers of this book, in discussing it I may end up sharing some things that went on during the first three books. (I mean, by the fourth book, how could you write a review without spoiling something from the first three, right?) So, if you don't want to know any of this, go, read the first three, then come back. You're back? Great. The fourth installment of this series certainly does not disappoint in a fast-paced, exciting read. We pick right back up where we've left off with Cassidy and her militia, down one commander/boyfriend. Obviously, this leaves a lot of questions to be answered, none of which I'll go into, because well, you'll just have to read it!

What I liked: Cassidy! She is great. And so, so believable! Sometimes her inner dialogue would irritate me, but then I realized something: I would be thinking the same stuff if I was suddenly thrust into the apocalypse and a militia! So yeah, some of her thoughts may seem strange, but the whole situation is strange. So I got over it. There are some awesome supporting characters too. Especially Manny, he makes for some great lighter moments that offset the somber tone of the book very well.

The plot/action and pacing was great. Seriously, this was one of those books that I never really looked at the screen to see how far along I was! That is so rare for me (just because I like to know!) that I find it worth mentioning- this book really, really held my interest and drew me in. Really, I am super curious about the Omega plotline in general, I love how the author answered some questions, left some unanswered, and created even more questions for the next book, which for me is kind of the perfect combination. Plus, there was a kind of insane cliffhanger. And while some people may not like them, I enjoy cliffhangers to an extent. This one was perfect for me. It wrapped up some things, and then threw in some completely new and intense stuff, leaving me wanting the next book now.

What I didn't: I still, for some reason, have no feelings toward Chris. Like, I wanted to like him more so I could care that he was MIA, but I just couldn't muster it. I cared about Cassidy being upset though, so it held my interest on that front. I don't know what it is about him, but he just irks me sometimes! And, I don't like how Cassidy often defers to him in general. I get that he may know more about fighting and such, but he doesn't know more than her about everything. Stand up for yourself, girl. And the only other issue I had was with something that happened at the end, it seemed a bit unrealistic to me, but it was only a slight annoyance. I just wonder how it will play out in the next book.

Bottom Line: Amazing book. If not for my few qualms, it would be perfect! And seriously, for an author to keep up the intensity for four straight books is really, really amazing. I keep waiting for things to kind of fizzle out, but nope. If anything, this book is even more intense and captivating than its predecessor.

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  • 5 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 5 June, 2014: Reviewed