Reviewed by Sarah Says on

2 of 5 stars

I received an ARC for NetGalley in exchange for a honest review and I’ve struggled for over a week with what to write for it.

I really liked the concept behind the story. And seeing Verdell hiding under her work desk as the world around her fell to ruin was a really strong start to the story that had me expecting hilariousness to follow.

I understand it is supposed to be a sarcastic satire type take on the apocalyptic genre and other people might find its ridiculous mess humorous. There are soooo many things that could have been funny; famous people turning into cannibals and running cults, everyone going crazy over gluten free snacks and the re-birth of twitter, with poor little Verdell stuck amongst it all, blundering her way though and by no abilities of her own surviving.

The only character I found amusing was Robert with his risk management bible, but that’s probably due to the Work Health and Safety course I’m doing at the moment. The character of Debra is really horrendous, she made me angry whenever she was on the page. Bruce is beyond ridiculous, but not in a funny way, in a please shut up way. The lead character of Verdell is ok, I haven’t any strong feelings about her, which is the opposite of how you should feel towards a lead character.

The plot had the potential for hilarious awesomeness, and there were elements that were ok, but for me it fell flat. The story doesn’t really have an ending and I suspect that maybe is a sequel is pending. I expended a tongue-in-cheek look at the apocalypse, and was prepared for it to be ridiculous, but funny ridiculous. This isn’t an apocalypse with zombies, but a virus that wipes everyone out and maybe that part is a little too realistic for me to be funny. I can only give 2 (it was ok) Stars.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 September, 2015: Reviewed