World of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Frontier Landscapes that Inspired the Little House Books by McDowell Marta

World of Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Frontier Landscapes that Inspired the Little House Books

by McDowell Marta

2017 is the 150th anniversary of Laura Ingalls Wilder's birthday. Her beloved Little House series tells a classic coming-of-age story based on Wilder's own family life and is a reflection of the pioneer spirit of the time. They are also deeply rooted in the natural world. The plants, animals, and landscapes are so integral to the stories, they are practically their own characters. The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder, by New York Times bestselling author Marta McDowell, explores Wilder's deep relationship to the landscape. Follow the wagon trail of the series, starting in the Wisconsin setting of Little House in the Big Woods to the Dakotas and finally to Missouri. Throughout, you'll learn details about Wilder's life and inspirations, discover how to visit the real places today, and even learn to grow the plants and vegetables featured in the stories. The artful package includes original illustrations by Helen Sewell and Garth Williams, along with historical and contemporary photographs. The World of Laura Ingalls Wilder is a must-have treasure for the millions of readers enchanted by Laura's wild and beautiful life.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


Great cover on this one. Obviously it is a fantstic representation of the subject matter. It has great composition and graphics use as well.

This book was supremely cool! I am a HUGE fan of LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE. I grew up reading the books and watching the TV show. I am pretty sure I have seen the repeats so often I could give you the dialogue from whole episodes verbatim. *lol* So I knew the minute I saw this one available for review that it was meant to be mine.

This book was stuffed full of cool information. Drawings, photos, newspaper clippings, and maps. Information about their life back in the day (food, clothing, weather, games, etc.). Personal photos of the Ingalls. Sometimes this type of book can make for dry reading, but the way it was written with the Little House tie-in kept it charming and fresh. It would make the perfect gift for any fan of the books or TV show.

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  • 16 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2017: Reviewed