Shatner Rules by William Shatner

Shatner Rules

by William Shatner

You love William Shatner.
You admire his many and varied talents.
You appreciate his creativity and willingness to take risks.
You want to learn his master negotiation techniques.
You wish you could hang out with him.
Admit it. You want to BE William Shatner.

And can (almost).

To be Shatner, you must follow the rules included in this lively, entertaining, and thought-provoking volume. This collection of rules and fun factners, illustrated with stories from Bill’s illustrious life and career, will show you how Bill became WILLIAM SHATNER, larger than life and bigger than any role he ever played. Shatner Rules is your guide to becoming William Shatner. Or more accurately, beautifully Shatneresque. Because let's face it...Shatner does rule, doesn't he?

Reviewed by brokentune on

2 of 5 stars

Review first posted at BookLikes:

This will be brief.

I have no idea what to make of this book.

It is not the book was bad, it just wasn't ... great, or consistently funny. Nor did it feel like an honest commentary on, well..., anything - apart from the incident with the underwear thief, maybe. (No, I won't elaborate.)

There seems to be a lack of direction in this book - some parts are rants about former co-stars or anything else really, some parts are memoirs, some parts aim at explaining Shatner's/Bill's characters (yes, there are two, at least) - and I can only guess that some of the uncertainty of what this book was about and where the stories were going stemmed from the co-authorship with Chris Regan.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 31 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 31 May, 2014: Reviewed