Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

Pushing the Limits is one of those novellas which actually feels like a full, complete, self-contained story. Too bad it's not an interesting one. It starts off good, with Julia mistaking Cade for the man who's suppose to play Santa at her firm's Christmas part, and him thinking she's the receptionist. Sparks fly, and she invites him over for Christmas dinner. He stays for a lot more than dessert. Then again for the New Year's Eve. It isn't until work resumes that they learn that he's her co-counsel on Julia's first big case, and the firm has a strict no fraternization policy.

Something has to go wrong, right? There has to be some conflict for our love interests, and it's one that I absolutely cannot deal with: accidental pregnancy by stupidity. As soon as Julia and Cade start going at it like rabbits, with only the condom (maybe two) from his wallet, I knew it was going to happen. How can you not think you'll not get pregnant if you're not protected and "forgot" about your birth control shot appointment?! This is only slightly less stupid to me than when characters have unprotected sex while the woman is on BC and antibiotics. From there, Pushing the Limits just went downhill as Julia thinks she has the flu until she takes a pregnancy test and has to worry about whether to choose their relationship or her career. Yawn.

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  • 2 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2014: Reviewed