The Pregnancy Journal by Christine A. Harris

The Pregnancy Journal

by Christine A. Harris

Since its publication in 1996, this definitive journal for expectant families has sold over a million copies. Author A. Christine Harris brings a revised and thoroughly updated edition to todays parents-to-be. Still featuring daily entries, a personalized timeline, and pregnancy glossary, the revised edition provides a clearer picture of the baby's in-utero development and the latest advice about giving a growing baby every advantage prior to birth.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

2 of 5 stars

Early on, when I first got a copy of this journal I was so excited about the idea of keeping a journal of notes and thoughts through out my entire pregnancy. Honestly, this specific journal was not the best choice for me. The places to actually "journal" are sporatic at best and usually at pages and sections when I just feel like I have nothing to write. Then when I have many thoughts to write, there are no journal lines. It was a bit irritating. The other thing that was odd was the way that you personalize the dates of the journal. Their counting system was off from every other system I have heard of, and there are instructions, but they do not quite add up to what they say either. Next time around, I'm going to look more specifically for a journal to journal in. This I would not really have titled a journal, but a day by day guide to what's going on with you and your baby during pregnancy. The facts especially the cultural anthropological world details are really neat. I also enjoyed hearing about measurement averages and changes from an average day to day. But overall, I cannot really recommend this as being my cup of tea.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2009: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2009: Reviewed