A Memory Between Us by Sarah Sundin

A Memory Between Us (Wings of Glory, #2)

by Sarah Sundin

Major Jack Novak has never failed to meet a challenge--until he meets army nurse Lieutenant Ruth Doherty. When Jack lands in the army hospital after a plane crash, he makes winning Ruth's heart a top priority mission. But he has his work cut out for him. Not only is Ruth focused on her work in order to support her orphaned siblings back home, she carries a shameful secret that keeps her from giving her heart to any man. Can Jack break down her defenses? Or are they destined to go their separate ways?

A Memory Between Us is the second book in the WINGS OF GLORY series, which follows the three Novak brothers, B-17 bomber pilots with the US Eighth Air Force stationed in England during World War II.

Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

5 of 5 stars

Amazing! Sarah Sundin has done it again…….she has created another story and made it come to life before the reader and captures the reader with the love and mercy that flows through out! I love an author like that. She pulled me instantly with the characters and the storyline, and held me til the last page. It was EXTREMELY hard to put this book down. I wanted to read through the whole book in one setting to see what finally would happen at the end!

A Memory Between Us continues the Novak brothers’ story, this time, with middle brother Jack. Much like A Distant Melody, Sarah continues with a message of over coming the past and moving forward in your life, while relying on God for the redemption and love. A well created message by a super talented author. Reading Ruth and Jack’s stories was both funny, and serious. I loved all the quirkiness that Sarah threw into the story to keep the reader smiling, but I also loved the seriousness that she gave to Ruth. Ruth was a character I could relate with in many different ways. I saw myself in a lot of what Ruth did or said. She really tugged at my heart!

And let’s not forget about the handsome and charming Jack Novak! After all, this is his story. He is determined that Ruth is the girl for him, but there’s a secret from her past that’s holding her back and he’s determined to find out what it is! I loved his charming ways and his humbling attitude. If only I could find a guy as sweet and handsome as Air Corps pilot, Jack Novak…..*sigh*. His character was chiseled wonderfully and added so much to Ruth’s part of the story, as he was working his charm and getting her to like and trust him. He really captured my heart in this well written story!

This is a book that is definitely worth 5 stars, along with high recommendations to all who love a tender historical romance story…..it’s a perfect addition to the Wings of Glory series. While it is always my recommendation to read a series in order, this could easily be read as a stand alone title. If you’ve never read a Sarah Sundin novel, this is a good place to start, along with A Distant Melody, book 1 in this awesome series. I look forward to book 3, Blues Skies Tomorrow, releasing in August of 2011, and following oldest brother, Ray Novak’s story.

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