The Moonstone by

The Moonstone

"The Moonstone is a page-turner," writes Carolyn Heilbrun. "It catches one up and unfolds its amazing story through the recountings of its several narrators, all of them enticing and singular." Wilkie Collins’s spellbinding tale of romance, theft, and murder inspired a hugely popular genre–the detective mystery. Hinging on the theft of an enormous diamond originally stolen from an Indian shrine, this riveting novel features the innovative Sergeant Cuff, the hilarious house steward Gabriel Betteridge, a lovesick housemaid, and a mysterious band of Indian jugglers.

This Modern Library Paperback Classic is set from the definitive 1871 edition.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

I don't really "review" classics, because I don't feel qualified to do so! This is the first Wilkie Collins I've read, and it was a pleasure to have it read to me by Phoebe Judge on her "Phoebe Reads a Mystery" podcast. It's a bit long, but I liked hearing the different points of view and seeing how the pieces were revealed and fit together. Now I can say I've read the original detective novel!

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  • 21 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 July, 2020: Reviewed