Slightly Sinful by Mary Balogh

Slightly Sinful (Bedwyn Saga, #5)

by Mary Balogh

Meet the Bedwyns—six brothers and sisters—men and women of passion and privilege, daring and sensuality....Enter their dazzling world of high society and breathtaking seduction...where each will seek love, fight temptation, and court scandal...and where Alleyne Bedwyn, the passionate middle son, is cut off from his past—only to find his future with a sinfully beautiful woman he will risk everything to love.

As the fires of war raged around him, Lord Alleyne Bedwyn was thrown from his horse and left for dead—only to awaken in the bedchamber of a ladies' brothel. Suddenly the dark, handsome diplomat has no memory...Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

I giggled a lot. The situations people find themselves in, the characters, the revenge meeted out, all so satisfying. Yes, the main female character had moments of silly and the male occasionally was a bit too determined that his way was the best, but the women kept showing him different ways of approaching problems and poking gentle fun at his assumptions.
Knocking himself out and waking up in a brothel doesn't sound like a bad plan to a lot of men, but no clothes and no memory is a problem.  Waterloo has just happened and the chaos has caused a few problems, not least of which is how to get back to England and how to get revenge on a man who robbed several of the characters.  In order to fix things Rachel York decides on a plan, but Lord Alleyne Bedwyn (known as Jonathan Smith for a lot of the story) wants to help, and his help complicates things.
I really liked the cast of characters and would love to see it filmed.

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  • 1 December, 2017: Reviewed