Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Unbeknownst to Sarah Ross, she is the extremely rare Indigo Child. A person with a blue aura who has special powers. Sarah, who was just a girl who managed her parents sporting good store, suddenly finds herself thrust in the middle or a crisis with Native American Spiritwalkers (practicers of dark magic who can travel outside their bodies to steal someone's soul) and an ancient Italian group of evil magic practitioners, the Malandanti. Sarah also doesn't realize that Evan Valente, the mysterious man she met and has already fallen hard for, is somehow involved with what's been happening with the Spiritwalkers and Malandanti.

Sarah was an interesting character. She's a very strong person, but at times I had to wonder where her sense of self preservation was. Knowing she had dark magic users chasing after her in hopes of stealing her soul and her powers, she basically went about life like it was business as usual. Even after she discovers Evan's secret, which now that it's out in the open causes her even more issues and forces her to move, she searches Evan out and walks smack dab into trouble. She was either the bravest woman or I have absolutely no backbone because I'm pretty sure I would have run far, far way from all this and chalked my feelings for Evan up as a lessons learned.

The story did leave me with questions. Why was it Sarah was blessed with being an Indigo Child? For that matter, how was Evan blessed as the Sapphire child when he parents were clearly practitioners of dark arts? How did the Malandanti know about Sarah in the first place? Why were the members of the local reservation practicing dark magic to become Spiritwalkers? I know, that's a lot of questions. To be honest, with those questions were spinning around in my head while I was reading the story, it was hard to concentrate on exactly what was happening at that moment. I'm hoping, with the next release in the series, some of those question could be answered. I

If you enjoy magic and Native American customs and lore, this is a story rich with those elements and redemption for an Indigo and Sapphire Child hoping to stop evil.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 May, 2012: Reviewed