My Brother's Husband, Volume 1 by Gengoroh Tagame

My Brother's Husband, Volume 1 (Pantheon Graphic Library)

by Gengoroh Tagame

The first volume of the acclaimed global sensation, from one of Japan's most notable manga artists: Yaichi is a work-at-home suburban dad in contemporary Tokyo; formerly married to Natsuki, and father to their young daughter, Kana. Their lives suddenly change with the arrival at their doorstep of a hulking, affable Canadian named Mike Flanagan, who declares himself to be the widower of Yaichi's estranged gay twin, Ryoji.

Mike is on a quest to explore Ryoji's past, and the family reluctantly but dutifully takes him in. What follows is an unprecedented and heartbreaking look at the state of a largely still-closeted Japanese gay culture: how it's been affected by the West, and how the next generation can change the preconceptions about it and prejudices against it.

(Please note: This book is a traditional work of manga, and reads back to front and right to left.)

Reviewed by leahrosereads on

4 of 5 stars

I really loved this first volume so much. It was heartwarming and beautiful, and I thought that the characters developed so naturally here. Their interactions with one another were so freaking good!
Looking forward to picking up the next volume as soon as I can!

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  • 5 October, 2019: Reviewed