Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

What a fun romcom! This is the sort of story that you see in a fun romcom movie - like a Diane Keating movie or something. It has the girl who's determined she's over this one guy and starts dating someone else. And they have a sweet romance but something isn't quite right. For a while, I didn't really get into this because, well, I didn't want her with the guy I KNEW she'd get with. But at about the 60% point I started to get why he was THE ONE. And then I was rooting so hard and of course obstacle after obstacle made me that last 40% a great ride. It's a romance, so it's not really a spoiler to say you get a HEA. But there's a fun little twist that has me anxious to read book 2. Of course I picked this up thinking it was a stand alone and instead I've gotten myself sucked into ANOTHER series. *sigh* #bookloverproblems

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  • Started reading
  • 24 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2016: Reviewed