Endgame and ACT Without Words by Samuel Beckett

Endgame and ACT Without Words

by Samuel Beckett

Samuel Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature n 1969; his literary output of plays, novels, stories and poetry has earned him an uncontested place as one of the greatest writers of our time. Endgame, originally written in French and translated into English by Beckett himself, is considered by many critics to be his greatest single work. A pinnacle of Beckett's characteristic raw minimalism, it is a pure and devastating distillation of the human essence in the face of approaching death.

Reviewed by ambiancereads on

5 of 5 stars

a beautiful nonsensical play that makes you really reconsider the destitution of humankind, highly recommend if you like absurdism.

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  • 16 April, 2014: Reviewed