Reviewed by starbell on

5 of 5 stars

I've never really read a friends to lovers book before until this one. I thought the overall premise seemed a bit lame. But oh my god I loved this book so much. It's about Parker who has a boyfriend and her best friend Ben. They live together after college and are always trying to convince people that a boy and a girl can just be friends.

I loved the writing style in this book. I loved loved loved the characters, especially their banter with each other. They had such a great connection and friendship with each other and their pasts were described really well throughout the story. I laughed so much at this book and it was just such a fun book to read. Though it did have its moments as well where I got a bit teary eyed.

This is a great lighthearted fun book and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of thing. There isn't a whole lot of drama but just enough to make it interesting.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 29 January, 2021: Reviewed