Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Everything about this is wrong, wrong wrong! But I love it! Clinging to Rapture picks up a few months after the events of Drowning in Rapture. Julia has put Cole behind her, and is working at a local gas station, living paycheck to paycheck, instead of in the lap of luxury as she did before. But then, he walks in and her world is flipped upside down. Julia thought she hated the man who stalked her for years and tried to own her. But one look at him, and she knows she still wants him, as wrong as that is. Then she's left for dead near her work, and she's not safe anywhere, except for with the man she shouldn't be safe with at all.

Clinging to Rapture adds Cole's POV to the story, and I was fascinated! I'm not sure if these glimpses into his past were suppose to excuse his actions, but they certainly explained them. He's had a rough life up until he earned his fortune. All of what went down then hasn't been revealed yet, but what I've put together so far is really messed up. I'm sure the whole true is going to be even more shocking though. I also loved witnessing the moment he first saw Jewel, and how conflicted he was. Why is he so attracted to a woman who's being paid to have sex in front of a room of strangers when he has his high school sweetheart on his arm? His obsession is really scary actually, but I couldn't stop reading!

There's an added suspense plot with in Clinging to Rapture, which I became totally invested in. Someone wants Julia dead and hired someone to do it, but who? She obviously suspects Cole's livid fiancee, but Cole has his own idea on who it might be. Being the well-connected man that he is, Cole takes it upon himself to ensure Julia's safety, but doing so has put her heart at risk. There is sooo much tension between them! She wants to hate him, and she also wants to move on since he's engaged, but she's torn between what she felt for him before he told her the truth and what she's feeling now. I know she should not be with this man. It is beyond wrong, but then again, you can't really help who you're attracted to. Their chemistry is still sizzling, and aahhh! I don't know! Bad, bad, bad!

Clinging to Rapture ends on the most messed up cliffhanger ever! How can he just do that?! What is happening?! I need to know!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 October, 2014: Reviewed