Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

I've been meaning to get to this series for awhile now and I'm sorry it took me this long! I loved pretty much everything about it, from the characters to the setting to the well-paced plot. It was an easy read to sink into and I read most of it in one evening.

I'm an animal lover, so I loved hearing about all Harmony's menagerie and her cozy cabin in Alaska (Maybe I should think about moving, then again probably not...) and I loved her idea for an animal shelter and how it came to be. The whole cast of characters were a delight, from Harmony and her special gift and her survivor's spirit to the Search and Rescue team, Harley the hometown boy who became a Hollywood action hero and the mysterious and dashing Shredder. I loved how Harmony went about looking into Tim's death and following along as she reasoned everything out. Just an enjoyable book from start to finish.

I only have a couple things that (very slightly) detracted from the book. First, the ending was rushed; after setting up the plot thoroughly as the book went on, the entire plot was wrapped up in just a couple of paragraphs and would've appreciated being more a part of the action rather than just reading a brief rehashing, and it felt like short shrift to such a great story. Not a big detraction, but one nonetheless. Also, there were a few dropped plot points that were just ignored. Why include them, only to never mention them again. Like the footprints Harmony found around her barn. What was the point of that?

The second thing is that the word "conscious" was substituted several times for the correct word "conscience" and since it happened more than once, could not have been a typo. I don't usually notice (or comment on) grammatical errors but this one was pretty blatantly wrong and it niggled at me.

But overall, this was a great book and I'm already well into book 2, so I've definitely been sucked into Harmony's world and I'm looking forward to seeing how the series grows as it goes on.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 June, 2021: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2021: Reviewed