A Wish In The Wind by Kay Bratt

A Wish In The Wind (The Wishing Tree Series, #17)

by Kay Bratt

Wishes in branches tied with string. Someone's hopes. Another's dreams.

It’s a new year and Linden Falls is a new place for Hunter Glenn and his daughter, Ava, to make a fresh start. When he goes to hang a wish on the tree in the center of town at the insistence of his daughter, a gust of wind strips it from his fingers and off it blows to somewhere who only knows. He’s not surprised. That pretty much sums up his life. It’s always been out of control.

Nicole is a long-term Linden Falls local who has recently gone through a welcome revelation that has changed her life forever. She’s looking forward to the new year now that she’s not alone. She wouldn’t dare wish for more good things, but when a slip of paper falls onto the tray she is using to serve a customer at the Crooked Porch, she might just find out that fate has even more in store for her.

Join Kay Bratt, International Bestselling author, as she brings the latest book in The Wishing Tree series alive, featuring a heart-warming tale of one man's journey to finding love again.

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars


Reading The Last Book First? WHAT???? Ok, real confession time: I've bought every single book in this series - and this is the *only* one I've read, specifically because I also received it as an Advance Review Copy. So why did I buy the other 16 books? I'm familiar with the work, and in many cases the person, of the authors in question, and I trust them to give me solid stories.  


This one is yet another such solid story, perhaps of a bit of a Hallmark Movie type vibe - but that is really the intent of this entire series, so it works. Bratt in particular is truly capable of so much more emotional depth (check out her By The Seas series or my own first encounter with her work, Dancing With The Sun) and even outright action/ drama (check out her Hart's Ridge series), but she shows here that she can contain those other impulses and write on theme and on brand for a collaborative effort - and that too shows great strength and talent as a storyteller (or any group participant), to be able to blend just so well.


So, there it is, really - if you like the Hallmark Movie vibe (and clearly *many* do), you're going to enjoy both this book and this entire series. If that isn't really your think, this likely won't be either.


Oh, and one other strength to both the book and the series: They're all super short. I read this (120 age ish) book in about 2.5 hrs or so this afternoon. In other words, great for those busy with other things that are looking for quick breaks to enjoy something well written and quite enjoyable that won't really offend most anyone not actively looking for something to be offended by.


Very much recommended.

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Reading updates

  • 15 October, 2024: Started reading
  • 15 October, 2024: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2024: Reviewed