The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

The Shadow Rising (Wheel of Time, #4)

by Robert Jordan

Now a major TV series on Prime Video

The fourth novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.

The Stone of Tear, invulnerable fortress of legend, has fallen. The Children of the Dragon have risen to the call of prophecy and march to the aid of the Light. Callandor, the Sword That Is Not a Sword, is held by Rand al'Thor, the man proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn.

But still the shadows lengthen and still the Forsaken grow in strength. If he is to fight them, Rand must master...

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Reviewed by HekArtemis on

4 of 5 stars

5 stars for nostalgia, 4 stars otherwise. This one was definitely better than the first three books, I love the revelations of Rhuidean, always have. Of course the women were, again or still, super horrible to read. I am honestly just skimming their parts as much as possible because it's just too hard to deal with. My patience for awfully written women is at all an time nothing now days.

I will keep pushing through though.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2020: Reviewed