Reviewed by kalventure on
A creative take on fairies and fantasy! I found the premise of the story incredibly interesting, and the first chapter hooked me instantly. The way that the story and world unfolds is incredibly slow but it is interesting straight away. An eccentric roommate with an affinity for plants, random people loitering, and an unseen world from human eyes. But when our main character Ivy Gallagher embarks on an adventure to find her roommate Demi the story devolved and lost its momentum, never really regaining its steam.
I found myself skimming the last 1/8th of the book - I was interested enough to find out the resolution but not engaged enough to want to read overly descriptive and seemingly unrelated comments. I always appreciate books that manage to execute twists that I do not see coming; however, I did take me about a month to read because I simply kept losing interest.
A solid 3-star fantasy book: the story is refreshingly different, the main character is well developed. It is set up well for a sequel should the author choose to continue with this world (which I would like to see more of). For me I wish that there had been more world-building on the history of the Trow and their entering Our World - I found the lack of that exposition in the end disappointing.
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 6 September, 2017: Finished reading
- 6 September, 2017: Reviewed