Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

This review appeared first at Fantasy is More Fun.

3.5 Stars
Hunted by a Jaguar really grabbed me at the beginning, lost me for a while in the early middle, and the gripped me from about 60% forwards. It starts off really pissing you off and getting your blood boiling (in that really great way), but then the story went in a direction that felt kinda blah for a bit. I got worried that I wasn't going to love this one after all. But once things really got going, we were back to the Felicity Heaton I've grown to love with this series!

I think one of the things that made Hunted by a Jaguar a little harder for me to get into was the very shaky connection to the previous books and characters that I was so eager to see more of. Although there are connections, it takes a long time for them to produce any real significance in the actual story and even then, we aren't seeing 99% of the people I was looking forward to seeing. And that's been one of the treats of this series for me - all the ways everyone weaves together.

But that's pretty much my only complaint. I LOVED Kyter - why don't we have more stories about jaguar shifters? He's that fabulous mix of tough and tormented. He's had it rough and it's taught him a lot about treating people with respect. The love he has for his mother kinda melts your heart too.

And then there's Iolanthe - who doesn't love a kick ass woman? She's ancient (like all the elves we've met so far) and she's a treasure hunter. Kinda your hot, Elvin Indiana Jones. I liked her attitude and determination. And the sexual friction between her and Kyter didn't hurt either ;)

Felicity sure knows how to create great sexual tension and she always delivers the goods spectacularly - and in that regard she definitely didn't let me down in Hunted By a Jaguar either. There's a fun little twist (which I predicted for the most part, but in a satisfying kind of way, not an obvious way) and a good amount of action to keep things moving along and exciting.

I really enjoyed unted By A Jaguar and just hope we'll be seeing some more of the earlier couples as the series progresses.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2015: Reviewed