Shades of Mercy by Bruce Borgos

Shades of Mercy

by Bruce Borgos

After a career in Army intelligence, Porter Beck is back in Nevada, doing the same lawman's job his father once did. His sparsely populated jurisdiction is usually very quiet. But on the night of July 4th, Sheriff Beck sees a strange light streak across the dark sky. He prays it won’t crash in drought-stricken Lincoln County, where the wildfires are already burning. But it does, and the resultant explosion triggers an avalanche of death and destruction in the high desert, impacting Beck’s oldest friend, the community at large, even his sister, Brinley.

Beck’s search for answers leads him to a young girl that Brinley is mentoring, a sixteen-year-old tech-whiz, Mercy Vaughn, currently incarcerated at the local youth center. Despite all the assurances he’s given, Beck senses the young hacker may be up to more than her jailers know and that she herself is more than she claims to be. And it’s not just Beck - a vicious Mexican drug cartel and a brutal foreign agent, also have a stake in learning the truth behind the mask that is Mercy Vaughn. And they are leaving a trail of destruction and death in their path.

Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars


Shades of Mercy is the second book in the Porter Beck series. It takes place a few months after the events in The Bitter Past. Beck is brought into an investigation where his close friend had a prize bull killed by a drone that had been hacked. This book had it all. I did find the plotline a little over the top (the Chinese secret agent angle was a little over the top). But, it didn’t affect how I liked the book.

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  • 18 July, 2024: Reviewed