Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars


Book Summary:

The world has shrunk to one small island for all intents and purposes. On this island are the last survivors on earth: twenty-two villagers and three scientists. It may not sound like much, but they have hope for the future.

Unfortunately, that hope is shaken by the sudden death of one of their few scientists. This kicks off a brutal series of events. What's worse – the villagers have less than three days to solve the murder, or else their island will go the way of the rest of the world.

My Review:

Ohhh. I already know that The Last Murder at the End of the World is one of those books that will stand out in my memory for years to come. It's just SO different from everything else I've read. Yes, there were several familiar tropes and themes, but they were combined in new ways, making for an utterly delightful read.

In truth, while this book is billed as a murder mystery, several mysteries are going on. Mostly because it seems like all the humans have their own secrets, which are causing merry havoc within the village. Fun times (not).

I enjoyed the complexity of this read. While I did guess the killer before the big reveal, I was on the edge of my seat until the next, never really certain if my theory was right (it was only partially right, for those who are curious).

Lately, it feels like I've been reading a lot of books with great promise, only to be let down. That is not the case for The Last Murder at the End of the World – this book lives up to the premise and pitch. I promise.

Science Fiction Meets Mystery
Dystopian Setting
Strong Character Archetypes
Multiple Perspectives

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