Oscar Zahn, a paranormal investigator with a unique form—a floating skull in a trench coat—is dedicated to improving the world through exorcisms. Oscar and his enigmatic assistant Agnes embark on a chilling yet heartening journey through otherworldly realms. Together, they rescue lost souls, unravel eerie puzzles, and confront restless spirits across time and space. As Oscar uncovers the reasons behind these spectral disturbances, he begins to unravel a deeper mystery: his own forgotten origins.
If you love paranormal thrillers and mysteries, The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn Vol. 1 is the comic series for you. It's out of this world, with a ghostly investigator (see what I did there?) and plenty of paranormal investigations to behold.
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn read as a freak-of-the-week style comic, with a different adventure/investigation in each arc. Of course, there are a few constants, such as Oscar and Agnes. It's perfect for people who love this format, though I'm hoping we'll see more character development down the road (ghosts can still develop character, right?)
I wish the arcs were less disjointed; it felt like something was missing. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is the main reason I found myself resistant to getting pulled further into this world. I still think it's worth checking out, though!
Graphic Novel
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- 10 July, 2024: Finished reading
- 10 July, 2024: Reviewed