Toot & Puddle: Charming Opal by Holly Hobbie

Toot & Puddle: Charming Opal

by Holly Hobbie

It's summertime, and Toot and Puddle's little cousin, Opal, is visiting Woodcock Pocket when she discovers that she has a loose tooth. Opal carefully places it under her pillow and hopes the tooth fairy will bring her a shiny quarter.
Worried that the tooth fairy might get lost on the way, Puddle puts on a special costume so that Opal won't be disappointed. But will the real tooth fairy show up after all?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Holly Hobbie is so much fun. We started with a Christmas one and now we have a delightful story about the tooth fairy. She is so talented and I cannot wait to keep adding to our collection. I have the biggest respect for authors that illustrate their own and Holly Hobbie is a favorite.

*Thanks to Little Brown for providing a copy for review.*

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 8 July, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2011: Reviewed