Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars


Protected is the second book in the Watched series. (Read my review for the first book, Watched, here.) I think this was an excellent second book in a series! It picked up right where the first book left off. I have to say that Christy is one of my favorite YA female characters. The reason why, is that she is smart, cute, and most of all is she portrayed as a "real" teen. Even though she is in this horrendous situation, she still is a 16 year old girl and she thinks like one. Sometimes YA female protagonists sound and act like the women who write them; not so in this case. Cindy Hogan writes a realistic character and how a 16 year old would talk and think.

Another thing I loved about Protected is how Christy is in the Witness Protection Program. There is so much that happens to her as she is "trained" in how to live her new life. I was fascinated by how many things she had to learn in able to protect herself from the terrorists. Many of these things/techniques come in handle throughout the book. There are many exciting things that occur, but there is also much character development happening at the same time. In Protected, Christy also learns about relationships and is able to look back at how she has treated others. This whole series is one that I would feel very good about letting my teen read. Christy has high moral standards, and they are tested in this book, but she always stays true to herself. What better message can we send our teens than this?

I also want to applaud Cindy on such great writing. When I read her books I don't want to quit reading until I am done with the book. The suspense is high in Protected throughout the book. If you haven't read this series yet you need to. This series is a great combination of YA romance, mystery/suspense and action.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 29 March, 2012: Reviewed