Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

The first book in this series is my absolute favorite Historical Romance of all-time (as of now), so I had high expectations for The Rogue You Know. Sadly, it didn't live up to them, but it was still a fun, sweet, and sexy read. This time we're following Marlowe's friend Gideon and Dane's sister Susannah. Susannah is feeling suffocated by her mother, and just wants to escape and maybe learn more about why her mother is the way she is. Then Gideon breaks in, she steals his loot, and tells him she'll only give it back if he takes her to Vauxhall Gardens. Well, he kind of needs that loot back, so he reluctantly agrees. How hard could it be to get her across town for a night?

The Rogue You Know reminded me a lot of those types of movies where the characters are trying to get somewhere, but then all kinds of unusual circumstances arise that make their simple trip super complicated. Like Harold and Kumar just wanting a burger, and it takes them all night to get there. Well, Gideon and Susannah take like two days to finally get to their destination, because he has people after him, then her investigator brother is after her, and they have to hide in basements and dodge crime lords, and have sexy times! It's all great fun, especially since they pick up a dog along the way who is very protective of Susannah.

There is more than just the budding romance going on, too. Susannah's mother plays a fairly large role, since Susannah is trying to understand her, and unveil her secrets! Her secret is very obvious to the reader, but Susannah is very sheltered and naive so she is shocked to learn of it. It's not turned into an overly huge deal, and it does bring everyone closer together. So hooray for happy endings!

I did really enjoy The Rogue You Know. I did find some of the humor in the beginning to feel a little forced. It didn't feel as natural as in the first book. Susannah and Gideon are a typical opposites attract type romance, but it was a lot of fun to see them get into trouble over this one simple task.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 7 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2015: Reviewed