Demon by Rob J Hayes

Demon (Archive of the God Eater, #1) (The God Eater Saga, #1)

by Rob J Hayes

On wings of vengeance, a saint shall rise.

Demon reveals the truth behind the First Age, when Demons roamed the land and took humanity for thralls. It tells the story of Saint Dien.

Reviewed by Ashley on

3 of 5 stars


I loved the other two books but didn't love this one. It did make me appreciate starting with the other two though. The styles were so different! If I'd started with this one I'm not sure I would have continued.

Last modified on

Reading updates

  • 16 May, 2024: Started reading
  • 16 May, 2024: on page 0 out of 186 0%
  • 18 May, 2024: Finished reading
  • 18 May, 2024: Reviewed